Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mission Statement:
To provide professional personalized artwork for businesses, families, clubs, etc.
What does E-LIME STUDIOS do?:

  • Creates Logos, T-Shirt Designs, Posters, etc.
  • Prints out anything, on anything (that is a substrate)
  • Tutorials for those who want to go into the field
The logo should have the name of the company and mascot.
The mascot is a lime that has a face. It should be welcoming to all ages.
The main colors are lime green and sky blue. The secondary colors are black and white. You can add some more colors if you think that it needs it. I will give you ideas if you need them and listen to your ideas. You can already guess what the audience is. Competition are companies like Staples, Square 1, and other companies that do what we do. Let me know if you have any questions. If you want to send drafts of everything, I recommend using my email.
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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Movie Poster Critique: Stephen Carty

The "WOODZ" poster shows the main character Stephen looking through the darkness. It is definitely a horror movie involving zombies, hence the "Z" in "WOODZ".

As the darkness flows down, we see a black and white picture of a Jeep going down a dirt road through the forest. The black and white makes you automatically look at the blood-red Z in the title. The flow starts from the top with the title and ends at the bottom with the Jeep. Everything works together and gives off a vibe that makes you want to see the movie. It isn't too complicated like most movie posters nowadays and that's what makes it work so perfectly.

The only thing I would fix is the shadow underneath the Jeep. It looks very solid so I would blur it some more whether it is staying still or moving. Adding a rating and some cast would be nice, but isn't really required. The poster overall is well done and only needs one small fix, which is small compared to all the good things in the "WOODZ" poster.

Movie Poster Critique: Zachariah Huber

We see Monsieur Baguette, Bagel de Plain, Mold Y. Bread, Rye, and Toast. They are disturbed and shocked after witnessing the death of Milho by the Loaf wearing a hockey mask and wielding a knife. In the distance, The Man of Gluten draws near to consume them all. (This is my idea of what the plot is since I didn't see it on the blog)

"The Breading" gives off a horror/comedy vibe by using dark colors and bright colors to make everything pop. The title starts in the upper left corner, leading to the actor and characters, then ending with the rating in a > motion. This works really well and helps the audience see this motion.

Zachariah used himself as a way to show emotion in his characters by cutting and pasting his eyes and mouth to them. He makes sure they all look different from one another. He also plays as the figure looming over the characters as though he is about to eat them.

With more time, I would have recommended cleaning up the faces so they don't look like they were just pasted on the bread. I don't know if this was intentional, but the horizon cutting into Zach's face is kinda distracting to me so I would personally edit that by making his face completely dark like a shadow, similar to how he did his hand. For the rating I would get rid of the white background and change the text white to make it pop out more. Overall, "The Breading" movie poster by Zachariah was well done and had more positives than negatives.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Homework #7

Milton Glaser is like every artist. The customer gives us something to work with and we find our own way to present what they want. Many things we see outside, inside, and online were thought out in order to get our attention. Our customer may give us something like a quote or a person that they want themselves or other people to remember. It takes multiple sketches, multiple revisions, and multiple times where we have to make sure everything ties in together. Glaser realized one day that he didn't need to follow every rule in creating good design. He explains to his audience what he wants them to learn. He also used old ideas in his final product. When we struggle on something, the first person we usually talk to first is the person we know best. Ourself. We know what we want to do. As soon as we focus on what we are working on, we take bits and pieces of everything we already have to create something new. Art can be made in many ways. All we need is our imagination and the determination to get it done. Sometimes not following the rules leads to get the best result.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Homework #6

This article proves how important this career is. Everything we see in movies, shows, and even advertisements involve some form of digital editing. This includes the props, the actors, and the setting everything takes place in. It takes a lot of time and a lot of people to get everything picture perfect or at least close to it. Whether it is decided by the actors or the directors, "beauty work" has become essential (in a way) to get the audience's attention and admiration. This lead to many people using softwares to "improve" their appearance. One of the most popular softwares used is Photoshop. The internet is filled with edits that are very well done, and others that are complete failures. Digital editing takes time and experience to make an object's and actor's features look realistic and stunning. That is what I learned from reading this article.

Plot for Movie Poster

We start out with how the Sons of Nocturnous were born. There are four, but we only focus on the first three. The main character of our story is Ofn, God of Fear. We see some events occur to get an idea of what he is like. After many years, he is given his first solo mission. During this time, we are introduced to a young woman. Ofn learns how mortals live and makes new friends. He is at a crossroads. Will he become the monster his brothers always wanted or forge his own path?
In the end, Ofn will become the person he was always meant to be...

(This is a prologue of the Warrior L series;
the series I am creating with my best friend, Micah Jackson)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Homework #5

Dustin Stanton is like every other designer. He creates art, looks at it, and sees if he needs to improve upon it. We all have these moments, especially when we are making it for something big like a movie, contest, or show. Stanton has created movie posters for movies like "Magnolia", "There Will Be Blood", and "The Master". Many things we worry about in design as artists is how good the final product is. We always search for advice on how to make it better or how to get our point across to the audience. For "The Master", he wanted to connect the major elements in it, like the ocean and toxic liquids, into the teaser poster. This created the bottle poster. It shows the director's name, title, the cast, and the year all inside a bottle. It was simple, but also complex and helped the audience have an idea of what the movie was about. As designers, we always have a problem deciding what to use. Stanton created many poster designs for "Magnolia". While they were not used for the final poster, they were used for the DVD/Blu-ray covers. In other words, there will always be a use for everything we create. Scraping everything can be a big waste when it can be used later on or when we want to return to that idea. Stanton has created so many movie posters that all have different designs. If you made an action/horror poster for a love story, this may confuse the audience or even anger them. Good design comes from good communication and understanding what it is for. Another thing that Stanton states is that a teaser poster and the final poster are two different entities. "Teasers have an entirely different job to do than the final poster. When you get a wedding invite in the mail, you don't want to know what they're serving for dinner or exactly what the bride's dress looks like... you just want to know that you're invited to this great party." Posters are not meant to spoil the entire movie. Teasers are made to make you get pumped up for it and interested. The final is made to make you think about the story. That is what I have learned by reading this article.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Favorite Movie Poster

I love this movie poster because of the kaleidoscope effect they used. The towers point at Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), making us focus on him. The blue hues complement the orange hues. It took a lot of work to make this and I can see that. That is why I love this movie poster.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Homework #3

I love how John Hoke works. He is a great leader. He allows everyone to have a say and find new ways to improve their designs. Hoke refers to old designs, like the Hyperdunk sneaker, to see what they need to improve. He also has a Porsche 356 Speedster Cabriolet model. It is one of his favorite cars because of how they improved its performance while never changing its form for many decades. He also has a Yugoslavian dance shoe. Hoke uses this as way to find new materials that are better for consumers and the planet. Nike constantly finds ways to update their products for better performance, comfort, and style. When I heard how Hoke was a runner that was a fan of Nike and shared his ideas to them, I was surprised that president at that time responded back and offered a job. This shows us that we can show our ideas for improving the products even for big companies like Nike.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Advertisement #1

Homework #2

As I watched his presentation, Niels Diffrient talked about his life designing airplanes and wanting to be a jet pilot. Overtime he realized how much he loved designing things. The chair he designed was made to work for everyone. It is easily adjustable to fit the user. If we could have these chairs for our class, I'd feel more comfortable. Its design is beautiful and functional. Of course if more than one person was using the chair, it would become annoying to constantly change it over and over again. But if it was for just one person, then it would be perfect. Overall, the chair designed by Niels Diffrient is a masterpiece.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Advertisement #2

Homework #1

I agree with Rawsthorn for the most part. The diverted cyclists sign is horrible. The first thing I noticed was the capital "D" on the sign before I saw it in its entirety. I understand what the designer was going for, but it came out poorly. The bright red & white congestion charge road signs instantly draw your attention and are simple enough to understand what they mean. When I compared the Citroën logo to its old and new design, I automatically preferred the old design. The new design looks sloppy in my opinion and a downgrade of its original. When I read how McDonalds got the chairs crafted by the Danish architect Arne Jacobsen, I was instantly confused & never imagined seeing these chairs at a fast food restaurant. The only one design that I saw that was good was the UPS logo. It isn't too complicated and is instantly recognizable.

Friday, September 6, 2019

  1. I used Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator in high school for 3 years.
  2. I hope to gain more knowledge about these applications to improve my work.
  3. I do, but I don't have Photoshop or Illustrator.
  4. I use a Chromebook at home, but I have experience in using a Mac.
  5. I am currently in high school, but I plan to major in Graphic Design and learn Animation.
  6. I do not have their names, but I love the art produced by the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Voltron: Legendary Defender.
  7. I listen to a lot of music, but I really like music by Skillet, Oh My Larceny, & Panic! at the Disco.
  8. I am currently working with my best friend to create our own show. We plan to call the show "Warrior L". I'll go in more detail if you want to learn more.
  9. I have always loved creating art. I have been praised and supported for it. I want to keep getting better. I live in a big family with two cats. I plan to make my dreams come true.