Thursday, November 7, 2019

Homework #7

Milton Glaser is like every artist. The customer gives us something to work with and we find our own way to present what they want. Many things we see outside, inside, and online were thought out in order to get our attention. Our customer may give us something like a quote or a person that they want themselves or other people to remember. It takes multiple sketches, multiple revisions, and multiple times where we have to make sure everything ties in together. Glaser realized one day that he didn't need to follow every rule in creating good design. He explains to his audience what he wants them to learn. He also used old ideas in his final product. When we struggle on something, the first person we usually talk to first is the person we know best. Ourself. We know what we want to do. As soon as we focus on what we are working on, we take bits and pieces of everything we already have to create something new. Art can be made in many ways. All we need is our imagination and the determination to get it done. Sometimes not following the rules leads to get the best result.

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