Thursday, November 21, 2019

Movie Poster Critique: Zachariah Huber

We see Monsieur Baguette, Bagel de Plain, Mold Y. Bread, Rye, and Toast. They are disturbed and shocked after witnessing the death of Milho by the Loaf wearing a hockey mask and wielding a knife. In the distance, The Man of Gluten draws near to consume them all. (This is my idea of what the plot is since I didn't see it on the blog)

"The Breading" gives off a horror/comedy vibe by using dark colors and bright colors to make everything pop. The title starts in the upper left corner, leading to the actor and characters, then ending with the rating in a > motion. This works really well and helps the audience see this motion.

Zachariah used himself as a way to show emotion in his characters by cutting and pasting his eyes and mouth to them. He makes sure they all look different from one another. He also plays as the figure looming over the characters as though he is about to eat them.

With more time, I would have recommended cleaning up the faces so they don't look like they were just pasted on the bread. I don't know if this was intentional, but the horizon cutting into Zach's face is kinda distracting to me so I would personally edit that by making his face completely dark like a shadow, similar to how he did his hand. For the rating I would get rid of the white background and change the text white to make it pop out more. Overall, "The Breading" movie poster by Zachariah was well done and had more positives than negatives.

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