Friday, October 4, 2019

Homework #1

I agree with Rawsthorn for the most part. The diverted cyclists sign is horrible. The first thing I noticed was the capital "D" on the sign before I saw it in its entirety. I understand what the designer was going for, but it came out poorly. The bright red & white congestion charge road signs instantly draw your attention and are simple enough to understand what they mean. When I compared the Citroën logo to its old and new design, I automatically preferred the old design. The new design looks sloppy in my opinion and a downgrade of its original. When I read how McDonalds got the chairs crafted by the Danish architect Arne Jacobsen, I was instantly confused & never imagined seeing these chairs at a fast food restaurant. The only one design that I saw that was good was the UPS logo. It isn't too complicated and is instantly recognizable.

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